Best Jobs for Preppers

best jobs for preppers

Getting Paid for Your Skills As a prepper, it’s important to consider not just your survival skills and stockpile of resources, but also your income and job security. In the event of an emergency or economic collapse, having a stable and valuable skillset can make all the difference. In this blog post, we’ll explore some … Read more

Waterbob Bathtub Review

Waterbob Bathtub Review

Preparing for the Unforeseen As a prepper, the Watertub Bathtub offers unique features that make it an excellent investment for those who prioritize self-sufficiency and preparedness. In this Waterbob Bathtub review, we will explore the benefits of the Watertub Bathtub for preppers and survivalists. Water Conservation One of the primary concerns for preppers and survivalists … Read more

Where to Go When SHTF

where to go when shtf

Disaster Struck. Now What? When disaster strikes and you’re forced to evacuate your home, knowing where to go can be a matter of life and death. In times of crisis, it’s important to have a plan in place and to know the best places to go for safety, shelter, and supplies. In this post, we’ll … Read more

What to Do in a State of Emergency

state of emergency

When Situations Devolve into Anarchy Imagine this! You’ve been watching on the news politicians that go at one another’s throats, exchanging barbs and trading insults day-in and day-out. Things deteriorate, and before you know it, somebody gets shot at and killed. The country is fired up and society begins to deteriorate. The president and congressional … Read more

Why the Fall of the Dollar and the Rise of Bitcoin is a Foregone Conclusion

fall of the dollar

The United States has Encountered a Force it Cannot Stop Today, the United States has the privilege of issuing the global reserve currency. All around the world, countries save and transact with US dollars due to the Bretton Woods Agreement and the petrodollar system. The petrodollar system, which spawned from an oil deal between the … Read more

Preppers Survive: Interview with Prepper Nettie David

preppers survive

Introducing Nettie David of Preppers Survive Nettie David is the owner of Preppers Survive, a website devoted to spreading awareness and knowledge of emergency preparedness. Nettie is on a mission to educate and motivate others to become self-reliant. Fortunately, Nettie has been incredibly successful to date, having created one of the most successful prepper blogs … Read more