Why You Should Consider Tending to Homestead Gardens

homestead gardens

Embracing Tradition Homestead gardens are an age-old tradition that dates back to the early days of human civilization. In essence, a homestead garden is a small-scale farm that is maintained by the family living on the property. Homestead gardens are usually planted with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, and are intended to provide … Read more

How to Compost at Home

how to compost at home

Sustainability at Home Composting is a process that involves breaking down organic materials such as food scraps, leaves, and yard trimmings into nutrient-rich soil. It is an easy and environmentally-friendly way to dispose of food waste and other organic materials, and it offers a range of benefits to both the composter and the environment. This … Read more

SHTF Home Protection

shtf home protection

Protect Yourself and Your Family One of the most important aspects of preparing for an SHTF event is ensuring that you and your family are able to protect yourselves and your property from potential threats. If a SHTF event comes to pass, there will be an increase in crime and violence. There will likewise be … Read more

How to Become a Survivalist

how to become a surivalist

Preparing for an Uncertain World The world is a dynamic place, and as such, it is always prone to threats and challenges that can affect human existence. Survivalists are people who are always prepared for any challenge, from natural disasters to political upheavals, and their goal is to ensure they can weather any storm that … Read more

How to Be Self Sufficient

how to be self sufficient

Relying on No One but Yourself Self-sufficiency is the ability to provide for one’s own needs without relying on outside sources. In today’s world, where we are so dependent on technology and convenience, it can be challenging to imagine being truly self-sufficient. However, it is possible to achieve a certain level of self-sufficiency in various … Read more

Best Jobs for Preppers

best jobs for preppers

Getting Paid for Your Skills As a prepper, it’s important to consider not just your survival skills and stockpile of resources, but also your income and job security. In the event of an emergency or economic collapse, having a stable and valuable skillset can make all the difference. In this blog post, we’ll explore some … Read more

Waterbob Bathtub Review

Waterbob Bathtub Review

Preparing for the Unforeseen As a prepper, the Watertub Bathtub offers unique features that make it an excellent investment for those who prioritize self-sufficiency and preparedness. In this Waterbob Bathtub review, we will explore the benefits of the Watertub Bathtub for preppers and survivalists. Water Conservation One of the primary concerns for preppers and survivalists … Read more