Why Every Prepper Should Have Tactical Flashlights

tactical flashlights

An Essential Prep Tactical flashlights are great inventions that differ from the more traditional household flashlights. The question is, how do they differ from other flashlights? What is it that makes them tactical? Tactical flashlights are most often used by the military persons and the police. The military and police mount them on their weapons … Read more

How to Buy the Best Pocket Knife

buy the best pocket knife

What Type of Knife is Right for You? Knives are as unique as people, and a knife that suits one person may not suit another person. There are multiple factors that characterize a pocket knife. Design, price, balance, size, weight distribution, and intended use are just a few. Some knives are now historical artifacts and … Read more

Ron Foster: Interview with an Acclaimed Prepper Fiction and Nonfiction Author

Ron Foster

Introducing Ron Foster Ron Foster has written over 50 prepper-themed books. His prolific output includes both fiction and nonfiction works. Some of his most popular publications are Old Farts Survival Guide, The Rural Ranger: A Suburban and Urban Survival Manual & Field Guide of Traps and Snares for Food and Survival, and The Ridiculously Simple … Read more

Why Military Field Manuals Are So Important

field manuals

An Underrated Genre I often find that people have one very important book genre missing from their personal libraries. Sure, they have some of the classics, a few self-improvement books, and maybe a couple of history books, but U.S. Military field manuals are notably absent. The U.S. Military is great at a lot of things. They train, … Read more

Four Survival Skills Preppers Need

survival skills preppers need

Everyone Should Learn to Prepare Before It’s Too Late I wish preparedness was something that came naturally to everyone. Unfortunately, many people are unprepared to survive an emergency situation. In this article, I’m going to talk about the basics. I outline four survival skills preppers need to survive an emergency. 1. How to Handle Home … Read more

Without Rule of Law (WROL): 3 Most Likely Causes

without rule of law

Why Would We Be Without Rule of Law (WROL)? A scenario where a community is without rule of law (WROL) would be catastrophic. Governance is the reason behind our continued progress. Deterrence measures like the threat of prison time for breaking the law help to ensure citizens keep in line. The collective understanding of what … Read more