Jim Cobb Survivalist Interview

Jim Cobb Survivalist Interview

Introducing Jim Cobb Jim Cobb has been an active prepper for over 30 years. He’s a prolific writer, having written Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide, Prepper’s Home Defense, and The Prepper’s Complete Book of Disaster Readiness, to name a few. Jim manages Survival Weekly, a website where he shares preparedness advice and will soon offer online classes. I was … Read more

SHTF Coffee Guide

Barter Economy

From Addicted to Advantaged: SHTF Coffee Guide Coffee is one of the few constants in many of our lives. We need that jolt in the morning to take on the day and our afternoon cup helps us combat post-lunch drowsiness. Our routine caffeine fix may seem necessary now, but many will be forced to break … Read more

Adapting to a Warming World

Adapting to a Warming World

Worse than Expected Recent headlines revealed that the impacts of climate change are even worse than initially expected. It comes as no surprise to me that researchers’ climate change models were wrong. Anticipating weather events is difficult enough, but attempting to predict the speed, scale, and effects of such a dynamic and complex phenomenon as … Read more

One Year After Book Review

One Year After

Adapting to Life after “The Day” William Forstchen continues his story about the people of Black Mountain after an EMP strike in One Year After. Readers learn that over 80% of Americans have died in the year following the EMP strike. Over half of the population of Japan, Eastern Europe, western Russia, and the Ukraine have … Read more

One Second After Book Review

One Second After

When Life as You Know It Ends William Forstchen’s One Second After follows the life of John Matherson after an EMP strike rids Black Mountain, North Carolina of electricity. Matherson, a former Army Colonel and well respected college professor, recognizes the extent of the crisis early. Having learned about them during wartime, he informs the town’s leaders … Read more

What to Pack in Your Bug Out Bag

pack in your bug-out bag

Anyone who expects to survive The Event needs a bug-out bag. A bug-out bag contains what you need to survive the first three days after evacuating the comfort of your home. What you pack in your bug-out bag could make the difference between life and death, so read below to see what every survivalist should have in his bug-out bag.