Waterbob Bathtub Review

Waterbob Bathtub Review

Preparing for the Unforeseen As a prepper, the Watertub Bathtub offers unique features that make it an excellent investment for those who prioritize self-sufficiency and preparedness. In this Waterbob Bathtub review, we will explore the benefits of the Watertub Bathtub for preppers and survivalists. Water Conservation One of the primary concerns for preppers and survivalists … Read more

Emergency Tips Every Prepper Should Follow

emergency tips

Are You Prepared for an Emergency? Everyone knows emergencies happen. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, pandemics, and freak accidents can all occur with little warning. While you may acknowledge the possibility of an emergency, have you prepared for one? Do you have an escape plan? Are you aware of the essential emergency supplies every prepper needs? … Read more

Why Every Prepper Should Have Tactical Flashlights

tactical flashlights

An Essential Prep Tactical flashlights are great inventions that differ from the more traditional household flashlights. The question is, how do they differ from other flashlights? What is it that makes them tactical? Tactical flashlights are most often used by the military persons and the police. The military and police mount them on their weapons … Read more

Why a Prepper Education Should be Part of the School Curriculum

prepper education

The US is Failing at Reading, Writing, and ‘Rithmetic I think it’s clear to most of the world that the US education system has failed. The US education system doesn’t crack the top 20 in either math or science when ranked against the education systems of 70 other countries. Unfortunately, the US’s problems extend passed … Read more

Prepper Self Defense: 3 Tips to Stay Safe in Dangerous Situations

prepper self defense

Prepare to Respond Well to Uncertainty Life is more uncertain today than ever before. Dangers are lurking around everywhere. You can never be too prepared to face what life throws at you as you step out of your home. Dangers can include neighborhood criminals, riots, shootings, and other violent incidents. It makes sense to become … Read more