What to do about Flawed Weather Warnings

Weather Warning

Unexpected Tsunamis In December of 2018, a tsunami killed over 2,000 people along the beaches of Sulawesi, an island in Indonesia. The tsunami was triggered by an earthquake that occurred off the island’s shore. Sulawesi’s seismic and tidal detection systems registered the earthquake, but significantly understated the size of the tsunami that would follow. The … Read more

History of Prepping


The Great Depression: The Beginning of Prepping Prepping, at its core, is a means of protecting yourself and your family from the hardship that follows a disastrous event. One of the earliest events that inspired people to become better prepared was the Great Depression. Millions of people were left impoverished and quickly learned just how … Read more

Jim Cobb Survivalist Interview

Jim Cobb Survivalist Interview

Introducing Jim Cobb Jim Cobb has been an active prepper for over 30 years. He’s a prolific writer, having written Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide, Prepper’s Home Defense, and The Prepper’s Complete Book of Disaster Readiness, to name a few. Jim manages Survival Weekly, a website where he shares preparedness advice and will soon offer online classes. I was … Read more

Daisy Luther Prepper Interview

Daisy Luther Prepper Interview

Introducing Daisy Luther Daisy Luther has been a godsend to the prepper community. She manages multiple prepping websites like The Organic Prepper, Preppers Daily News, and Preppers Market and has authored The Prepper’s Canning Guide, The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide, and The Pantry Primer. Daisy Luther has published thousands of articles about prepping and also shares alternative news … Read more

5 of the Most Impractical Prepper Products

Prepper Products

The Perversion of Prepping: Impractical Prepper Products It’s no surprise that more people are prepping for SHTF Events these days. High profile assassinations have been carried out by de facto authoritarian regimes, geopolitical relations continue to dissolve, and looming threats like the reckless development of technology could spell the end to humanity’s claim to being … Read more