If you see this post, you need to be especially careful because you might have encountered a scammer named Vasti Alvarez

If you come across the following information, be cautious as she is likely a scammer:

Website: cantareningles.net
Email: vastinoemi.alvarez@gmail.com, jessicalderon.h1991@gmail.com
Paypal: corporacionesanatalla@gmail.com, jessicalderon.h1991@gmail.com
Name: Ana Talla, Vasti Alvarez, Vast AA
Country: Peru or Bolivia

There is a person named Vasti Alvarez from Peru who is selling a website cantareningles.net on Flippa. On April 29, 2024, we agreed on a price of $2000 for her website and Adsense on Flippa. She requested payment via Paypal to her or her friend’s personal account. She sent a payment request for $2000 using the Paypal account corporacionesanatalla@gmail.com. On May 12, 2024, I paid $2000, with an additional $37.19 fee, totaling $2037.19.
On May 12, 2024, she used Mother’s Day as an excuse for being unavailable; on May 13, 2024, she did not appear. On May 14, 2024, she told me that her partner had sold the website. Then she told me that her PayPal account was locked and she couldn’t issue a refund. On Flippa, she changed her name to Vast AA and changed her country to Bolivia.

The profile of Vasti Alvarez, Vast AA on Flippa:

Below is the chat record between me and her on Flippa:

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:43 AM

can you add my email lang.z.meng@gmail.com to your google analytics for the website traffic?

Vast AA Friday, 26 April 3:19 PM


Vast AA Friday, 26 April 3:20 PM

Hello, I already added you to Analytics

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:07 PM

Hi Vasti, your site traffic is good, why you want to sell?

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:07 PM

Q1): Do you want to sell this site with Adsense together?

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:08 PM

Q2): What country is in your Adsense default country?

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:08 PM

Q3): Regarding the Web hosting, Do you just give the account/password to the new owner? or you help the new owner setup a new hosting, and then migrate the site?

Vast AA Friday, 26 April 11:14 PM

Quiero vender el sitio web porque necesito usar el dinero. No puedo vender el Adsense ahora, solo sería el sitio web. El Adsense es Adsense ES. El sitio está alojado en sered, puedo pasarte el código authcode o si tienes una cuenta de Sered puedo hacer un traslado de dominio entre clientes. Puedo ayudarte a configurar todo lo que desees hasta que quede listo.

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:17 PM

Sorry, I cannot read France.

Vast AA Friday, 26 April 11:18 PM

I want to sell the website because I need to use the money. I can’t sell the Adsense now, it would just be the website. Adsense is Adsense ES. The site is hosted on Sered, I can give you the authcode or if you have a Sered account I can transfer the domain between clients. I can help you configure anything you want until it’s ready.

Lang Friday, 26 April 11:25 PM

Thanks for the info. do you consider to sell the site with Adsense?

Vast AA Friday, 26 April 11:26 PM

I can’t sell the adsense account

Lang Saturday, 27 April 12:19 AM

Do you have other websites with Adsense?

Vast AA Saturday, 27 April 12:22 AM

I have many sites in my Adsense account that’s why I can’t sell the account

Lang Saturday, 27 April 12:35 AM

Okay. Got it.

Lang Sunday, 28 April 2:41 PM

Hi Vasti, let me know when you want to sell the site with Adsense.

Vast AA Sunday, 28 April 10:11 PM

I made a pynton code of approximately 8 thousand lines, it is like a dictionary with the exact phonetics of each word in English, it is not the typical translation with special characters that any pronunciation translator provides, the code has been written manually in such a way that You only need to add the song in English and the code returns the pronunciation of the song automatically, there is no cost per song, with the code it is free, fast and unlimited, the only thing would be that there may be one or another word that is not It is found in the code that must be added manually, but it is minimal.

Vast AA Sunday, 28 April 10:12 PM

The site is WordPress

Vast AA Sunday, 28 April 10:13 PM

I could think about adsense, but what would your offer be?

Lang Sunday, 28 April 11:59 PM

How much do you want to sell if the site with Adsense?

Vast AA Monday, 29 April 12:41 AM

I want $1800 for the website, if I give you adsense I would have to charge you at least $300 more.

Lang Monday, 29 April 10:49 AM

Do you mean $2100 for the website with Adsense?

Lang Monday, 29 April 10:50 AM

I’m not a tech guy, can you setup everything for the transaction?

Vast AA Monday, 29 April 11:36 AM

We could leave everything at $2000 for the website and the Adsense account. We would have to do it through Paypal which is more reliable for both of us.

Lang Monday, 29 April 11:44 AM

Sure. I’m fine $2000 for the website with the Adsense. and you help to setup everything, and do the support in 30 days. And I’m fine to pay via Paypal. If you agree to setup everything and support , now I’m make an offer $2000, and pay it to you now.

Vast AA Monday, 29 April 9:29 PM

Hello, sorry, yesterday I fell asleep, we can do it now if you want, my paypal is vastinoemi.alvarez@gmail.com. You can make the offer on Flippa and I will accept it. And it has 30-day support.

Lang Monday, 29 April 11:45 PM

I just placed an offer.

Lang Monday, 29 April 11:46 PM

You can put your paypal on Flippa, I can pay to your PayPal via Flippa.

Vast AA Monday, 29 April 11:48 PM

Congratulations on the accepted Offer
. You can proceed to conduct Due Diligence (DD), create an Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) and set up Escrow and Payments.
. Our team will be in touch soon to help guide you through the process. You can also contact them anytime from the ‘Complete My Deal’ tab.
. Flippa offers services to assist in each of the key steps. Explore them below.

Vast AA Monday, 29 April 11:50 PM

Yes, give me a moment to put my paypal email in flippa.

Vast AA Monday, 29 April 11:52 PM

It no longer allows me to assign a new email in Paypal, it stayed with the one I used before. The paypal email I currently use is:

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:01 AM

Did you change your paypal?

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:01 AM

I need to setup Paypal on Flippa.

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:02 AM

You need to setup Paypal on Flippa. then I can pay via Paypal.

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:03 AM

Can you setup your current Paypal on Flippa? I failed to pay via paypal. (Maybe your previous paypal is nonvalid).

Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 12:04 AM

My two paypals are valid, except that the previous one is company and the current one is personal and I preferred to receive payments in person, but let me ask support if they allow me to change it or else we will continue with that paypal that is integrated.

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:07 AM

Let me know when you’re change to your current paypal.

Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 12:09 AM

Yes, give me a while, write to support, they respond quickly, according to what they tell me I’ll let you know, if I manage to change my Paypal account I’ll let you know and if not we’ll do it with the old one.

Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 12:09 AM

I already wrote to support*

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:13 AM


Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 12:17 AM

ok, they say for this listing I can’t change my paypal account because it’s already ended, so let’s do it with the old one. You just have to hit the pay button on flippa via paypal.

Ian  Tuesday, 30 April 1:10 AM

n.b. Vasti, sorry for any confusion. Your PayPal account has been updated for this listing in case that helps.

Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 1:13 AM

Ok Ian, Thanks.

Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 8:26 AM

Hello, good day, let me know when you are online so I can continue business.

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 12:04 PM

My bank account has many transactions in ‘Pending’, It will allow me pay after other transactions in ‘Completed’ status. You may need to wait 2-3 days for other transactions. I will let you know when I can pay this offer.

Vast AA Tuesday, 30 April 12:17 PM

Hello, okay, we are in contact, let me know when you can.

Lang Tuesday, 30 April 1:18 PM


Vast AA Wednesday, 1 May 2:39 AM

Hello, how are you? I wanted to tell you that Paypal is supervising my account and to avoid problems when you can send the money Avis me to give you the PayPal account of my partner and to be able to receive the money quickly, since as I told you PayPal Already several months doing lasting inspections and this time they have asked me 21 days to review my account, so if we are going to do the business we will do it to the PayPal account of my partner that is operational. Anyway I talked to Flipa’s support and he told me that there would be no problem that the chat gives you another PayPal account since everything is registered.

Lang Wednesday, 1 May 11:46 AM

Should I pay it right now? Or I need to wait?

Vast AA Wednesday, 1 May 12:58 PM

Have they already removed the withholding that you told me about? Can you send payments now?

Lang Wednesday, 1 May 8:01 PM

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Lang Wednesday, 1 May 8:02 PM

There is an Error in here with Paypal. I first time see this, I don’t know what happen. Can you submit a ticket in Flippa?

Vast AA Wednesday, 1 May 9:14 PM

It’s not Flippa, it’s Paypal, that’s why I’m telling you, I’m going to give you the email so you can do it manually, I already spoke with Flippa and he told me that if there are problems, he should give you the email here without a problem. do it to this Paypal email manually:


Vast AA Wednesday, 1 May 9:17 PM

Lang Wednesday, 1 May 11:13 PM

Is your personal Paypal corporationanatalla@gmail.com? I’m fine with that.

Lang Wednesday, 1 May 11:16 PM

It shows in paypal: Recipient’s Name and Recipient’s Country ?

Lang Wednesday, 1 May 11:17 PM

What’s the Recipient’s Name for corporationanatalla@gmail.com in Paypal?

Lang Wednesday, 1 May 11:18 PM

What’s the Recipient’s country for corporationanatalla@gmail.com in Paypal?

Vast AA Thursday, 2 May 12:12 AM


Vast AA Thursday, 2 May 12:13 AM

Paypal: corporacionesanatalla@gmail.com
Name: Ana Talla
Conuntry: Perú

Lang Thursday, 2 May 1:46 AM

My Paypal is United States. It’s easy to pay another account in United States. But It’s more difficult to pay for another country, it’s many verification for another country. How about you request $2000 from My paypal ( Paypal: lang.z.meng@gmail.com), and then I pay. I hope it can make it easily.

Vast AA Thursday, 2 May 1:56 AM

Ok I’m going to request a direct payment from you.

Vast AA Thursday, 2 May 2:02 AM

Lang Thursday, 2 May 11:36 AM

I just tried to pay. but it’s now allow to do it. Do you have the Zelle account in United States? (It pays with email or phone number).

Vast AA Thursday, 2 May 12:38 PM

Hello, yes I think Paypal has been having problems for days, I don’t use Zelle, that doesn’t work in Peru. What problem are you having in Paypal? what do they tell you?

Vast AA Friday, 3 May 12:01 PM

Hi, how are you? Paypal already works for you? how will we do it?

Lang Friday, 3 May 12:45 PM

I was off yesterday.

Lang Friday, 3 May 12:46 PM

Let me check Paypal again.

Lang Friday, 3 May 1:00 PM

Paypal doesn’t allow me to pay it.

Lang Friday, 3 May 1:01 PM

Paypal for the secure

Lang Friday, 3 May 1:09 PM

I have to call the Paypal customer service when I’m available (It likes the Paypal block the payment of outside United United for secure reason).

Lang Friday, 3 May 1:10 PM

I’ll info you when I’m able to pay.

Vast AA Friday, 3 May 1:12 PM

Well it’s true, Paypal is quite safe lately, I like it too, I think it’s the only thing that helps avoid fraud, but I think the transfer block is only for the United States, because yesterday I received a payment from Mexico with complete normality, let me know When you can solve it please.

Lang Friday, 3 May 1:19 PM

Sure. I’ll let you know when I can pay.

Lang Sunday, 5 May 12:21 AM

I have called the customer support of Paypal. It said for secure, the transaction is blocked. It may take 3 days or 1 week for internal investigation of Paypal. After one week, if I still cannot pay, I should the the customer support phone number again.

Lang Sunday, 5 May 12:22 AM

I’ll let you know if I have any updating.

Vast AA Sunday, 5 May 1:16 AM

Yes, it’s okay, that’s how long it usually takes, they answered me something similar, that I needed to wait about 48 hours and if possible not enter the account or make movements in that period. But hey, I’ll be looking at other issues in the meantime, let me know when it’s ready, I can still wait.

Lang Sunday, 5 May 10:28 AM

I’ll let you know if I have updating from Paypal.

Vast AA Thursday, 9 May 7:00 AM

Hello how are you? Do you have any news with paypal?

Lang Thursday, 9 May 7:09 AM

I just checked the email, and didn’t receive any email from Paypal now.

Lang Friday, 10 May 12:16 AM

Hi Vasti, I think I’m not able to pay it via Paypal. I’ll looking for another site, how to cancel this order?

Vast AA Friday, 10 May 1:09 AM

Hello, I understand, you have to send a ticket to Flippa support.

Vast AA Friday, 10 May 1:13 AM

You could also try this paypal:

He has received several payments from abroad, maybe he will let you

Vast AA Sunday, 12 May 12:53 AM

Hello, tell me, did you talk to support? or were you able to make the payment? It is somewhat detrimental for me not to complete the sale, it has been published for several months now.

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:09 AM

Hi Vasti. I tried to pay, but it was allowed to pay via Paypal.

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:11 AM

Now you can wait around 3 days, I’ll call the support and try it again. I’ll tell you the result.

Vast AA Sunday, 12 May 1:18 AM

If it is fine, I will wait the 3 days, usually when you call PayPal they solve any problem, when they do not let you pay is due to pco security blockages, but when you authorize by call or by means of a personalized message, they should allow you to do the Payment, tell me anything.Also, as a seller, I will contact them to authorize the payment.

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:08 PM

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:08 PM

Can you check your paypal account?

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:09 PM

Yes. I have paid 2,037.19 dollars to you.

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:10 PM

After you get the money, you can transfer the domain to me first, and then you help to setup everything for the web hosting without downtime.

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:14 PM

I has paid additional 37.19 dollars as fee, can you help for maintain this website for 3 months after transfer to me?

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:16 PM

I have domain service in namecheap. You can easy to do the owner transfer in namecheap if your domain is in namecheap. My account in namecheap is: lang.z.meng@gmail.com

Lang Sunday, 12 May 1:23 PM

When you will be available?

Vast AA Sunday, 12 May 9:27 PM

Hello, how are you, I’m out of town today because it’s Mother’s Day in my country, can we see all this tomorrow please? let me return to my city

Lang Sunday, 12 May 9:58 PM

Sure. Happy Mother’s day. See you tomorrow.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 8:55 AM

Hi Vasti.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 8:56 AM

Did you receive the money in PayPal?

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 11:35 AM

Hello, apologies, could you request a refund? What happened is that these days, my partner managed to sell the site to another person close to him and he asked me to please request a refund, the money did arrive, but we cannot continue with the business due to that inconvenience, I was absent for a few days and my partner, due to the rush of selling the website, made the deal with another person, I apologize.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 11:39 AM

I will talk to Flippa about what happened, don’t worry about that, I will send a ticket to delete the listing and avoid confusion in the future.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 11:52 AM

Hi Vasti, The fund is sent immediately

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 11:53 AM

You can send me the refund to my Paypal: lang.z.meng@gmail.com

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 11:54 AM

Hello, yes you receive your money in Paypal but I am trying to imitate the refund but it does not allow me, please request a refund and I will accept it

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 11:54 AM

I have paid 2,037.19 dollars, you can send back $2,037.19 .

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 11:55 AM

Yes, look, I only received 2000 dollars, but I understand that when it is refunded, Paypal also refunds the commissions, only as I told you it does not allow me to make the refund, I think I still have a small limitation, but I think that if you request it there will be no problem

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 11:57 AM

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 11:58 AM

In my paypal, there is no ‘refund’ button because it has sent to you. (See the picture)

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:00 PM

Paypal in United States, it sent Money immediate if by ‘Family or Friend’. There is no ‘Refund’ button on my PayPal.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:01 PM

I can’t do it from here either.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:02 PM

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:04 PM

I think now we have two choices: 1) You can sell this site to me. 2) You send back the money to me.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:05 PM

I’m fine which one you choose.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:07 PM

I have to return the money because my partner has already sold the site and is in final negotiations. But right now I don’t have the refund button and in fact PayPal has put a 180-day limitation on my account.

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Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:10 PM

How about you don’t choose ‘Return’, you can just send the new payment to my Paypal account: lang.z.meng@gmail.com

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:12 PM

I have been trying to issue the refund but it won’t let me do it and besides Paypal has put a limitation where it doesn’t allow me to use the account and in this account I have a lot more money I’m also worried about that, I don’t know why you said you were sending the money to a family member because that complicates things. Now I can’t use my funds either.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:15 PM

Rather, I am quite worried because I think that the transfer you made to me caused PayPal to block my account and now I cannot use my 10,000 dollars that I have there or a little more and that is important to pay many debts that I have with the Bank in my country

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:15 PM

You can call the Paypal Customer Service phone for the Secure Protect.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:18 PM

Hi Vasti, do you own this site?

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:18 PM

Believe me, it is not my intention to keep your money or anyone else’s and I am trying to communicate with Paypal. I already sent them an email in the morning but they still haven’t responded to me. In addition, I have more than 10,000 dollars in your money and yes, Paypal closes me. account I think I will lose them.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:18 PM

Last year something similar happened to me with 2000 dollars, PayPal closed my account and did not return that money to me.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:21 PM

Yes, I believe you. I have sent out the money to you.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:22 PM

It seems to me to be in very bad taste that you have said that it is a remittance for a friend or family member because I had spoken with Paypal if I had explained detail by detail that we were doing a business. I don’t know why you said that it was a remittance. , Now I am as harmed or worse harmed than you, My partner is also very angry because it is both of our money.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:23 PM

Yes, of course, I and my partner own the site, but I actually created the site and it took me a whole year, even more, it took me more than a year to program the code with 8000 rows of code.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:25 PM

Okay. Now I’m waiting your response. Let me know if you have any updating.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:26 PM

The only update I have received is that Paypal is going to investigate my account for 180 days, and in that time I cannot move the money, but then I don’t want you to think that I have your money because in theory Paypal has it, and I don’t know what 2,000 dollars may be so important to you, but for me, who has something like 12,000 dollars in total, the other 10,000 dollars are extremely important to pay my bank debts.

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:26 PM

Can you also updating this issue to your Partner?

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:28 PM

Well, I’m not blaming you 100% either, but it seems a little negligent on your part that you sent the payment as a remittance when you should have sent it for a purchase of the service. But I also don’t want you to think that I’m scamming you. In fact, right now I I will be without funds for more or less 6 months and that is that Paypal will return my account because apparently I am going to lose that 12,000 dollars, and I don’t know what will happen to your 2,000 dollars because surely you are going to want me to replace it but I I do not have it

Lang Tuesday, 14 May 12:29 PM

Vasti, This is not important. This is about I just paid the money, and cannot get anything. And then the money stuck in here.

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:29 PM

My partner has already sold the website, they are just waiting for the hosting provider to confirm the shipment because they have already sent him the website files and everything else, plus my partner is from Mexico and he did the business with another Mexican and the money. I did not pay it through Paypal, I paid it through a bank transfer in a Bank of Mexico

Vast AA Tuesday, 14 May 12:30 PM

I understand about your money but now I can’t refund you, Firstly because I don’t have cash to put it out of my pocket because it is a large amount for me, And secondly because from the experience I have it seems that Paypal is leaving to keep the funds

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:00 PM

Please send back the money to me.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:09 PM

If I don’t get my money back, I will publish all chat history, your website and associated email addresses on the internet, stating that you are a scammer.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:10 PM

I have asked Flippa for help me to get the money back.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:16 PM

I think you are misinterpreting things, I am not a scammer, PayPal withheld the money, and it was your fault for sending it as a remittance and not as a service payment. My money is also compromised, not only do I have your payment in my Paypal, I have more money there and if PayPal does not return my account I will also lose it. Please don’t blame me alone.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:19 PM

It’s not my intention to scam you. I’ve never done. I saw that you opened a dispute on PayPal, we have to wait to see what they respond, if PayPal does not return your account to me and does not refund your money, then we will look for another option, perhaps I can sell you another website or several websites, but it cannot be that unfair either. to ask me to give you everything back because in the end I would be losing, I don’t have your money but I don’t want to scam you or give you a bad time either.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:19 PM

You can report all evidence of Paypal to Flippa.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:20 PM

Flippa has asked me to do the dispute on Paypal.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:21 PM

I spoke to Flippa, and I explained to him and they have now suspended my account. In other words, in the end the one who is losing the most is me, I am running out of a PayPal account and without a Flippa account.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:23 PM

The thing is that in the end the money can be recovered but one’s reputation can’t, and now I won’t be able to use PayPal again, I mean, put yourself in my place, PayPal withheld a lot of my money, I’m going to be unable to get paid for 6 months, now Flippa is not going to let me publish my websites, my situation is worse than yours. If I wanted to scam you I wouldn’t even be answering your messages.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:23 PM

Don’t blame Flippa and me. You don’t owner the site 100%, and you don’t tell Flippa and me, the site sold to another person.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:26 PM

You have to the evidence to prove on Flippa You’re not a scammer.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:28 PM

I am no longer the owner of the site because my partner already sold it, but I have the copy of the website file, I also have the python codes, for example, if you are interested, I can give you the code of 8000 lines of python so that you can generate the pronunciation of songs in English And maybe you can create another larger website if you have more resources. I did make the website from scratch, I have the tests on sered, I have the domain invoices, I have been creating websites for about 8 years, it is not a problem for me to prove that the website was my authorship.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:30 PM

You have to the evidence to prove on Flippa You’re not a scammer.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:30 PM

If I don’t get my money back, I will publish all chat history, your website and associated email addresses on the internet, stating that you are a scammer.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:32 PM

Your way of proceeding doesn’t seem fair to me. If you want in compensation I will give you the code, with the python code you can create all the songs you want.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:34 PM

Now I just want my money back. Yes. I”m not happy because I met scammer. If I don’t get my money back, I will publish all chat history, your website and associated email addresses on the internet, stating that you are a scammer.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:35 PM

I am trying to give you several solutions and you don’t want to solve anything, and if you publish something on the internet I suppose there will be nothing I can do, but let it be clear to you that it is unfair and that karma exists.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:35 PM

I have the evidence in PayPal. I have sent the money $2,000 to you.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:36 PM

You can submit a ticket on Flippa to find out a solution. Otherwise you’re a scammer.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:36 PM

The thing is that we have to see what solution PayPal gives, because if PayPal doesn’t return your money I will have to wait 6 months for them to review my account, if after 6 months PayPal returns my account I will be able to refund your money, and if not now I will have lost it and I could pay you with another website or create another website from scratch for you or three or four websites, but I cannot return money that I have not used and that I do not have, however I am not closing myself, I am giving you a lot of solutions, but for now what I tell you is wait for PayPal to say something.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:37 PM

I already sent a ticket to flippa, I sent the ticket before you and I already explained the situation to them.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:41 PM

I’ll publish the chat history, and I don’t want the next person to be deceived by a scammer again. This is only way I can do if I cannot get money back.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:42 PM

Well, I’m not a scammer, it’s partly your fault for sending the money as a remittance, you weren’t sending me a remittance, it was a service payment, if you had done things right we wouldn’t be in this situation.

Lang Thursday, 16 May 12:45 PM

I know no scammer would ever admit to being a scammer.

Vast AA Thursday, 16 May 12:50 PM

A scammer wouldn’t even be responding to your messages, they would just ignore you. I am giving you several solutions.
1. Wait for Paypal.
2. Give you another website or the number of websites that compensate you.
3.Give you the Pynthon code, which is the core of the site.

Now, despite my attempts to solve things and reach a peaceful agreement between both of us, you prefer to lose the money, ruin my reputation, and that we both end up losing, that is your problem.

We could both win. I would be assuming money that I am not going to use, that may never reach me and that since it is your fault for sending as a remittance, I would still be assuming, and that is not being a scammer, it is quite the opposite, I’m putting myself in your place.

Abhijeet  Thursday, 16 May 9:27 PM

Hi again Vasti,

You should be providing an immediate. If you have issues with PayPal please discuss with Lang to know on what other payment options can be used for a refund.


Lang Thursday, 16 May 11:38 PM

Thanks Abhijeet for help.

Vast AA Friday, 17 May 10:11 AM

I am waiting for the resolution from Paypal, they withheld the funds.

Abhijeet  Monday, 20 May 12:08 AM

Hi again Vast,

Would you please share the screenshots of all te discussions that you are having with the PayPA team, and what this the ETA that they have provided?

Lang Monday, 20 May 1:32 AM

I just checked Paypal, I didin’t get any refund. And Paypal customer service let me ask the Seller to send back the money.

Lang Monday, 20 May 1:33 AM

Thanks Abhijeet for support.


30 May 2024 , Flippa sent me an email in below:

On review, we have permanently removed the Seller from Flippa. You would need to pursue any further attempts to retrieve payment from them directly.

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